5 R Solutions
5 R Solutions Limited are Recycling providers. We help people in the Canterbury Region.

Sustainability and Climate Change

Our Purpose: To help industry preserve natural resources for future generations.

Our Mission: To recover, process and recycle glass, benefiting the environment while reducing cost to industry as we divert other resources from landfill.

Our Journey:

5R Solutions is embarking on its sustainability journey and our strategic challenge is to integrate sustainability across wider industry. We want to integrate sustainability across our operations in a way that is both aspirational in terms of climate action and increases long term profitability. We also want to influence the glass industry to do the same. We have taken steps to identify relevant UN Sustainability Development Goals that will have the most impact on the following:

                UN SDG 13 – Climate Action       

                UN SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production

                UN SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth

                UN SDG 3 – Good Health and Wellbeing


5R Solutions is a Toitu carbonreduce certified organisation in line with ISO 14064-1. We are proud to take science-based action for the environment.